
June - July - August - September - October - November - December

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March, 2012

31st of March
A new clutch is in the Nests. A few, select eggs will contain 'gir with fluff.
You can find a guide to releasing 'gir in the Guides & Rules section.
The news pages were fully updated.

28th of March
You can now buy custom 'gir with fluffy manes and hind legs for 7 dollars. March's clutch will feature a few 'gir with fluff as well.

10th of March
ToxicCreed has won February's custom Twitter raffle!

4th of March
The poll is now closed. I have ordered a mutation (fluffy mane+legs) for this month and the artist's deadline is 3 weeks.

2nd of March
February's clutch is now in the Nests!

1st of March
D'arcanlan did 10 of the female Armored markings when my hand hurt too badly for the precision work
You can now buy custom Armored females and turn female 'gir into Armored. The shop pages and the buy-now buttons have been updated.